Consortium Project

First SURPRISE Exploitation Workshop

Remember we told you we were planning our first SURPRISE Exploitation Workshop?

It happened this week, with all our SURPRISE partners and there’s plenty for us to think about going forward.

Given the novelty of SURPRISE demonstrator, we know it won’t be on the market for a good while, but we talked about what we can do until then. There are various options to test and showcase the potential of SURPRISE. The updated Business Model Canvas helped us to start reflecting on them.

We also looked at some of the individual, innovative components of the SURPRISE system. There are a fair few in SURPRISE! We started with our partner SAITEC and their work on the subsystem for verification and test of the SURPRISE optical system. In addition to the technology itself, SURPRISE has encouraged SAITEC to think about some of the internal skills that they would like to acquire to boost their market position.

Stopping to think about exploitation has also encouraged SAITEC and other partners to consider ancillary business developments related to the aerospace sector.

Next steps for exploitation? We’ll see about developing Business Model Canvas for some other SURPRISE components, get in touch with End Users for a workshop before the end of the year and see what the Horizon Results Booster initiative can offer us.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash