Consortium Project

SURPRISE Deliverable Summaries Online

At the end of March, we submitted 3 important deliverbales related to our project Work Package 4 – System specifications and design.

Within this core WP, in synergy with other WPs, SURPRISE partners have already revised relevant technological roadmaps and defined the system requirements and specifications. These were the starting point for preliminary system design and initial performance evaluation. This work set the foundations for the work you can read about today: subsystem design and, consequently, detailed system design, evaluation of system performance and definition of the test plan for system and its subsystems.

Have a look at our Materials and Outputs page to read summaries of:

  • Deliverable 4.3 that coversdesign of the SURPRISE demonstrator
  • Deliverable 4.4 that evaluates expected performances of the SURPRISE demonstrator (based on demonstrator specifications and final optical design).
  • Deliverable 4.5 that describes the test plan for the SURPRISE demonstrator and its sub‐systems

Photo by Viktor Talashuk on Unsplash